About me

When I was at school, I hated history class. As the teacher droned on and on, spouting off dates and events, I would chew my pencil and daydream about my next adventure story. As soon as I could drop the subject, I gladly did, tossing my books in the trash with a huge sigh of relief—I’d never have to read another boring history book in my life again. So how on earth did I end up as the author of a series of children’s books about my most-hated subject?
When I had to delve into my Chinese roots for a family reunion, I stumbled on the most amazing stories about the emperors, warriors, artists, and inventors that make up the long and colourful history of China. I realised then that history doesn’t have to be about boring facts and dates. It can be as exciting, gripping, and fascinating as the best made-up adventure stories. I realized that in the very word ‘history’ sits the word I’ve always loved: ‘story’.
Inspired, I decided to bring those stories from Chinese history to life. No dates, no dry details—just interesting stories that children as young as two can enjoy and hopefully, learn a fact or two in the process. My greatest wish is that children and adults alike will have as much fun reading my books as much as I’ve had writing them.
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